2018 Hit to Pass Prizes

Hit to pass is coming back to PGARA for the Labor Day weekend September 1 & 2.
1. Registration information. Registration opens on Friday August 31 @ 6 pm. If your car is registered and passes tech inspection by 10 pm, one crew member will receive free entry into the pits for one day
Note: once the car is in the pits, it will not be allowed to leave for the ENTIRE weekend. If the car leaves for ANY reason, it will not be allowed to run for the rest of the weekend
2. Registration cost is $100 for car and 1 driver for the weekend. Early registration of the car is requested so numbers can be calculated prior to the event. Contact Lee Sheppard or Jamie Crawford
3. Prize payouts are based on 25 car minimum total registration, less than 25 cars and prize money will be reduced
Total purse = $10,000
Most laps combined over the two days = $4000 2nd most laps for the weekend = $2000 3rd most laps for the weekend = $1000
Main event win Saturday (timed event) = $1000 Main event win Sunday (last car running) = $1000
Hard luck for the weekend = $200 Random draw from all registered cars = $100
Good luck and get building.