2023 Mini Mayhem Rules
FWD, 4 and 6 cylinder unibody cars
Any RWD car allowed, must be 4 cylinders
Any FWD car allowed, may be 4 or 6 cylinders
Build rules
The intent is to keep it simple and really easy
2 up 1 across, concrete in the door, minimum
No front hoop
Bolt a bar across the front fenders, bolted in, 1” hollow tubing, From fender to fender, in front of the rad…
Aluminum skid plate under the fuel tank, minimum 3/16”
Battery in the driver’s c compartment, securely fastened to the floor of the car
Night switch for fuel injection
5 pt harness, racing seat if you want it.
Air bags must be removed from the car (not just disabled)
Fire extinguisher securely fastened, within reach of the driver
All cars MUST have one (1) front windshield bar, minimum 1/4" x 1" steel
Driver safety
Anything to ensure driver safety inside the cockpit is ok
Cage is ok within cockpit
Nothing to extend behind the driver